Friday, 23 November 2018

These 7 Lifestyle Habits Will Help You To Live A Healthy Life

Being fit and healthy doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to working out for hours a day and eating nothing but chicken and steamed broccoli for every meal.

In fact, there are several more effective (and less painful!) habits you can adopt today that will not only help you get in shape in the short-term but will help you stay that way for the long run as well.

1. Never Skip Your Breakfast Meal

A healthy breakfast starts your day off right. It sets you up so that you have energy and fuel for optimal mental and physical performance. Eating breakfast helps to maintain stable blood sugar levels and a healthy weight because you are less likely to overindulge later in the day.

2. Practice Long and Slow Eating

Have you ever noticed how long it takes most thin people to eat their meals? My sister was always the last one to finish her meal, and it drove the rest of the family crazy. We were sure it was her ploy to get out of clearing the table or doing the dishes! It was not until years later that I realized her slow eating is the secret to her trim figure.

Most Americans eat too fast, and, as a result, they take in too many calories before they realize they've eaten enough. It takes approximately 20 minutes from the time you start eating for your brain to send out signals of fullness. Leisurely eating allows ample time to trigger the signal from your brain that you are full. And feeling full translates into eating less.

Recent research presented at a meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity showed that overweight men and women took in fewer calories when they slowed their normal eating pace. And a recent Japanese study involving 1,700 young women concluded that eating more slowly resulted in feeling full sooner and thus eating fewer calories at mealtime.

3. Walk More

Even if you go to the gym six days a week, the real key to lifelong fitness is to simply be more active and walk more in your day-to-day life. Try making a conscious effort to walk whenever and wherever you can: to the grocery store, to get your afternoon coffee or go on a post-dinner stroll with your family. Try and aim for at least 10,000 steps a day.

4. Make Timely Sleep Your priority

Many of us underestimate the importance of a good night's rest, but it's crucial for long-term health that you give your body a proper amount of sleep each night. And if thinking long-term isn’t enough of an incentive, remember this: too little sleep can also impair weight loss efforts due to raised cortisol levels. Try and get around seven to eight hours a night on a regular basis.

5. Drink Excess Water

Our bodies are made mostly of water. Most fluids and foods contain water that will help to keep our bodies hydrated, but fresh, clean, plain water is still the best and healthiest beverage for maintaining a healthy body. It is the most natural cleanser for our organs and digestive system. Being hydrated is crucial for the brain as well as for helping to flush toxins out through the skin (perspiration) and urine.

6. Meditation

Meditation is used by people interested in addressing conditions such as anxiety, pain, depression, emotional problems, insomnia, and stress. Meditation is also the ultimate brain workout. Here's how to get started.

In India, there are many known and unknown spiritual gurus who offer many spiritual practices tot heir followers. Some of them are unknown to most of us but few Saints and Gurus got huge followers and known by many.

Some of the most famous Gurus are Baba Ram Dev who teaches his followers how Yoga can change your life and how you can cut out many life problems just by adding Yoga to your daily routine. Another most known spiritual guru is Saint. Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Insan he is kind of a multi-talented personality. He has many blind trusted followers who follow him like crazy, He talks about life and how one can achieve success in their life. He asked his followers to do meditation every day for a healthier life.

Find a place where you can sit comfortably, uninterrupted for about 20 minutes. The most important thing is to sit with your back as straight as possible. Some people find that sitting on the edge of a cushion helps keep the back straight.

You will hear about special meditation cushions, candles, incense, statues, bells, and so forth -- don't worry about any of that stuff. The important thing is to sit comfortably and to practice meditation often. You can add in accessories whenever you want.

7. Consistency and Moderation

In order to maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle, it's important to have some sort of consistency when looking at the big picture result.

Make changes one at a time, and don't make too many changes at once or you will risk relapsing into old habits.

Making these choices a part of your daily life will help you to reach your health goals. Avoid extremes in any capacity. Exercise moderation when it comes to fitness, food, and fun.

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